Let's Talk About column answers your most perplexing questions about a certain topic. Feel free to contact me for suggestions on topics.

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What is exactly is ice scramble?
Ice scramble, scramble, iskrambol, or even "iCe xRAMBleZ" is a Filipino street food. It's along the lines of sago/gulaman as a palamig or a drink created to beat the radioactive Philippine heat.
What's it made of?
I'm guessing the ingredients goes something like crushed ice, food coloring, and skim milk. For it's sweetness obviously there's sugar or a substitute. Oh and to make it more sinful there's chocolate syrup and sometimes marshmallows on top.
Is it awesome?
Why is it awesome?
The creaminess of the shaved ice is a start. The addition of skim milk creates something that complements the creaminess of the shaved ice. Oh and how can we ever say no to chocolate syrup? It won't even cost you a leg or an arm. The average price of a cup of scramble is a measly 10 pesos.
So is it like ice cream?
No, definitely not. It should have it's own definition in the dictionary. I'd say it's a mix of ice cream, shake and whatever has syrup and marshmallows.
Where can I try this?
Unfortunately for you and me, the target audience of manongs and manangs are children. They're more common in front of elementary schools than your fancy-pants university. There is good news though. Recently, there have been food stalls in malls serving this one-of-a-kind awesomeness.
What should I watch out for when eating this so called "ice scramble"?
Besides the sugar rush, if you purchase it from the street entrepreneurs you should be ready for anything. You never know if the ice they use is safe. If your adventurous try it and if not just find it in a mall near you.
Stall Name: Ice Breakers
Sells scramble for 7, 10 or 17 pesos. Additional toppings go for about 4 pesos. Try it!
SM Manila 3rd Floor near Mcdonald's I think.

how much magfranchise? txt me.. im interested.. 09163984754